
Current Weather & Tide Data is based on NOAA Harmonic sub-station based on the US Naval station located in Bangor, WA station ID 9445133. Bangor is located approximately 9.1 NM to the NE of Pleasant Harbor. Tidal times will be delayed slightly and the overall high (or low) may vary by as much as a half a foot.

Latitude 48° 01' 43.99" N • Longitude 122° 44' 40.05" W

Disclaimer: It is strongly recommended that you confirm the data prior to using it for navigation purposes.
Please note: allow a few moments for the NOAA Tide information to load.

Marina Tides

Click on this marina tides text link, or click on the sample image on the right to connect to the NOAA tides page for the marina area in real time.

Certified Clean Marina

  • Reduce and properly manage hazardous waste
  • Conduct marina operations with the goal of protecting the environment
  • Educate boaters on clean boating practices
  • Demonstrate innovation and environmental leadership